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Voyages en Cancer – Evelyne Accad

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Evelyne Accad’s Journey with Cancer – in French

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Voyages en Cancer

d’Evelyne Accad

Au-delà des genres (journal, roman, réflexions, microsociologie ….), un livre passionnant courageux et sincère sur le travail de la maladie désormais nommée, sur sa réception personnelle et sociale, sur la vie qui continue… “Livre qui vous prend l’âme.

Parcours extrêmement important pour tous ceux qui le liront, c’est un livre utile et beau” Andrée Chedid “Grand texte dramatique où un drame personnel se tisse et se dépasse dans les angoisses du monde présent et y prend une dimension universelle. Le récit est en perpétuel rebondissements, le cancer y apparaît comme une histoire sans fin… Texte critique impitoyable pour notre monde post-moderne, cependant critique ancrée dans la vie quotidienne; c’est ce qui en fait l’extraordinaire intérêt.

Le lecteur ne s’ennuie jamais; le livre ouvert ne peut se refermer avant la dernière ligne. Ce n’est pas un journal, ce n’est pas un roman, ce n’est pas un essai critique, et l’on pourrait continuer, mais un mixte…” Paul Vieille

Language: French
ISBN: 2842893158
2000, Paperback, 412 pages, 16 x 24 cm (6.5″ x 9.5″)

This is a rare multicultural perspective on disease, particularly cancer, in which the author takes on a journey through the medical establishments, cultural taboos, gender-tagged attitudes and personal stories of different civilizations. It could also be defined as a quest on how human logic relates to illness. The writing itself blends the diary, personal letters, poems and songs with excerpts from some of the foremost authorities in cancer research, producing an effect upon the reader akin to that which she experienced herself, as she moved back and forth between the emotional and physical shock of the cancer experience and the objective scientific data she uncovered. She begins to find cancer everywhere in her physical environment: friends, relatives and people she has never met -some die. She finds a depth of friendship and support that she had never expected including that of her close companion. While writing her book she sent sections of it to friends, who commented on the text.

These honest responses to her story add a further dimension. The structure and content of the book are informed by her deep commitment to women, men, ecology and peace issues .As part of the journey she reads many books on the environment and cancer.

Although she lives in the USA and France, the book takes the reader on physical journeys to many other cities including Paris, Tunis and Beirut. Evelyn Accad learns that even in remission you have to live with cancer every day.

‘In writing her story Accad has … given an intimate insider’s perspective, provided valuable information for consumers and described how she made difficult choices about treatment. Accad’s story is an important addition to the growing number of books written by women with breast cancer for all women.’ – Chris Croyden, Breast Cancer Action Group Newsletter

The Author: Born (Oct. 1943). and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. She attended school and completed 2 years of college the Beirut College for Women (now the Lebanese American University). B.A. from Anderson College in English Literature (1967); M.A. in French from Ball State University (1968) and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Indiana University (1973). A professor at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana since 1974 in French, Comparative Literature, African Studies, Women Studies, Middle-East Studies, and the Honors Program. In 1978 and 1984, she taught at the Beirut University College, and in the spring 1991, at Northwestern University. She has also performed numerous concerts in the U.S. and abroad, playing mostly her own songs and compositions.

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