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The Influece of Islam Upon Africa (Hardcover)

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $17.50.

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The influence of Islam upon Africa

by John Spencer Trimingham

In the first chapter the author divides Islam in Africa into seven culture zones: two in North Africa (Egypt and the Maghreb), three in the Sudan belt (Western, Central and Nilotic), the North-Eastern Ethiopic zone and East Africa. Then follow chapter on: 2. The process of religious and culture change – 3. The religious life of African muslims – 4. Influence of Islam upon social life and 5. The African Muslim in an era of change.

Language: English
ISBN: 9780582784994
1980, hardcover, 182 pages, 23 x 14 cm, maps


Islamic culture zones: their history and characteristics
The process of religious and culture change
The religious life of African Muslims
Influence of Islam upon social life
The African Muslim in an era of change
A decade of expanding horizons.

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Weight 2 lbs


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