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Précis of Maronite Chant – Father Louis Hage

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Précis of Maronite Chant

By Father Louis Hage

This Book, in English, is the translation of the original text written in French in “Précis de chant maronite”. The book offers the reader a rich yet simple introduction to the early religious music of Middle Eastern christians.

From the original Book in French:

Cet ouvrage, traduction anglaise du livre intitulé “Précis de chant maronite”, offre au lecteur une initiation, riche et facile, à une musique sacrée qui remoterait aux premiers siècles de la chrétienté sémitique au Proche et Moyen-Orient.

The Author

Louis Hage

Born in Lebanon in 1938.
Former Student of the University of the Holy Spirit, Kaslik, Lebanon
1966: S.T.B. (Roma)
1970: Ph.D. in Musicology – Sorbonne, Paris, France
1971: D.E.S. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France
1970-1986: Professor of the institute of Musicology – University of the Holy Spirit, Kaslik, Lebanon.
1986: President of the University of the Holy Spirit, Kaslik, Lebanon.

Language: English

2004, paperback, 110 pages, 23.5 x 17 cm (6.7″ x 9.5″)

Book Condition: New
Publisher: Université Saint-Esprit – Kaslik



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