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Liban Souterrain IV

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Caving Lebanon (in French)

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Liban souterrain IV (novembre 1993)
Caving Lebanon (in French)

Compte rendu des dernieres decouvertes effectuees par le groupe d’etudes et de recherches souterraines du Liban.

The Group for Subterranean Studies and Researches of Lebanon (in French: Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherches Souterraines du Liban – GERSL) is a Lebanese non-profit speleological association, founded in 1988 (Min. Int. 132 / AD 12/5/1988) by Lebanese cavers with the aim to carry out explorations and scientific researches of grottoes, sinkholes and rock-cut caverns in Lebanon and Middle Eastern Countries and specialized in the fields of geology/hydro-geology, history/archaeology, conservation and tourism.

Language(s): French
1993, paperback, 32 pages, 7.0 x 9.5 inches

Book Condition: New
Publisher: Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik

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Weight 0.5 lbs


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