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Khalil Gibran of Lebanon: A Re-Evalution of the Life and Works of the Author of The Prophets – Suheil Bushrui

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Khalil Gibran of Lebanon: A Re-Evalution of the Life and Works of the Author of The Prophets – Suheil Bushrui

Khalil Gibran of Lebanon: A Re-Evalution of the Life and Works of the Author of The Prophets

by Suheil Bushrui

A guide for general readers or scholars interested in the life and work of Gibran. Explores the fascinating world of the author of The Prophet, one of the most celebrated works of the twentieth century. Modelled on Gibran’s own writings, simple and concise in presentation, the first half is devoted to significant events in Gibran’s life and provides the necessary background to his writing and painting, with particular reference to the individuals and works that have been major influences. These are further explored in the second half, a critical study of Gibran’s work and contribution to the literature of the world.

Language: English
2002, Hardcover, 94 pages, 24×17 cm

Book Condition: New
Publisher: Librairie du Liban

Key Words:
Abdu’l Baha Administrators C.TA Al-Arwah al-Mutamarridah Al-Mohajer Almitra Almustafa Ameen Ameen Rihani Arabic literature Arrabitah artist beautiful Beirut Bisharri Blake’s Blue Flame Boston Bushrui Cedars Christ Christian critical Cubism death divinity Earth Gods East English Estate and Mary evil expression Forerunner Fred Holland Day Gibran and Mary Gibran Khalil Gibran Gibran’s prophet Gibran’s writing Guraieb heart Heinemann homeland Ibid influence inspired Jesus Josephine Peabody Kahlil Gibran Estate Khalil Knopf language later Lebanese Lebanon literary London Madman Mary G Mary Haskell Mary’s Mikhail Naimy mysticism Nietzsche Nietzsche’s novella Orphalese parables Paris poem poet publication published relationship religion Renewal copyright Rihani Rodin Romantics Sand and Foam sermon Smile son of Zebedee Sorrow soul Spake Zaiathustia Spirits Rebellious spiritual story Sufi Syrian Tear things tradition translated truth valleys visionary voice W. B. Yeats William Blake words wrote Yeats York young Gibran Ziadah

Language: Arabic
ISBN: 97828400
2009, paperback, 367 pages,

Publisher :
Book Condition : New

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