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Holy Land Hollow Jubilee – God, Justice and the Palestinians – Naim Ateek and Michael Prior

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edited by Naim Ateek and Michael Prior

This book contains the papers of the Third International Conference of Sabeel (the Palestinian Liberation Theology Centre) held at Bethlehem University, February 1998. Fifty years after the Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948, it remembers the past, assesses the present and plans for the future. It poses Israel the challenge of Jubilee, and asks 'What does the Lord require?'

The Jubilee (Leviticus 25) challenges Israel to honour the demands of the Bible's more attractive traditions. It insists on freedom and justice, bringing release to the captives and freedom to the oppressed. The injustice done to the Palestinians is the termite that gnaws at Israel's moral core. Israel must atone for its crime.

Keynote speaker, Edward Said, argues that in the wake of 'the misery of the Oslo Accords', Palestinians are worse off than hitherto. Meanwhile, Israel continues to absolve itself of any responsibility, and all the while, Binjamin Netanyahu speaks of peace. Hanan Ashrawi appeals for an inclusive peace that would respect the narratives of the two parties, and Knesset member Azmi Bishara argues for a bi-national, rather than a two-state option.



Naim Ateek

Michael Prior

Edward Said

Ibrahim Abu Lughod

Gordon Brubacher

Osvaldo Vena

Rashid Khalidi

Uri Davis

Elias Chacour

Rosemary Ruether

Jad Isaac

Goran Gunner

Stephen Sizer

Don Wagner

Marc Ellis

Lynda Brayer

Jonathon Kuttab

Mitri Raheb

Jean Zaru

Nicholas Frayling

Hanan Ashrawi

Azmi Bishara

Michel Sabbah

Edmond Browning


Language: English
ISBN: 9781901764093
1999, paperback, 256 pages, 21.5 x 14.0 cm


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Weight 2 lbs


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