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Byzantine and Armenian Studies Volume 2 (Only) – Sirarpie Der Nersessian

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Etudes Byzantines et Arméniennes Tomes 2 (uniqument)

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Byzantine and Armenian Studies Volume: 2 Only

Etudes Byzantines et Arméniennes Tome:  2 Seulement

by Sirarpie Der Nersessian

The collected essays on manuscript illumination by the noted Byzantine scholar were published in honor of her 50 years of work. Included are a few articles originally published in Armenian and translated here into French.

Languages: English and French
Volume 2 only, paperback 185 pp. collected papers in French and English, ext. notes, bibliography of Der Nersessian’s works, indicess. Louvain 1973. (Bibliothèque Arménienne de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian). 1973,  11.0″ x 9.0″

Book Condition: New, Unread, Better than 1973 New Books May now be.

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Weight 2 lbs


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