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Showing 541–560 of 820 results
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الجولان: الطريق إلى الاحتلال
The Golan: The Road to Occupation (in Arabic)
$14.95Original price was: $14.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 62% OFF
التطهير العرقي في فلسطين
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (in Arabic)
$19.95Original price was: $19.95.$7.50Current price is: $7.50. -
On Sale 72% OFF
عام الجراد: الحرب العظمى ومحو الماضي العثماني من فلسطين
Year of the Locust: The Great War and the Erasure of Palestine’s Ottoman Past (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 54% OFF
الشريط اللبناني المحتل: مسالك الاحتلال، مسارات المواجهة، مصائر الأهالي
The Occupied Lebanese Border Strip: The Paths of Occupation, the Lines of Confrontation, the Fate of the Population (in Arabic)
$65.00Original price was: $65.00.$29.95Current price is: $29.95. -
On Sale 50% OFF
مدينة الحجاج والأعيان والمحاشي: دراسات في تاريخ القدس الاجتماعي والثقافي
Pilgrims, Lepers and Stuffed Cabbage: Essays on Jerusalem’s Cultural History (bilingual English and Arabic)
$39.95Original price was: $39.95.$19.95Current price is: $19.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
العمالة الفلسطينية في إسرائيل ومشروع الدولة الفلسطينية 1967-2007
Palestinian Labour Migration to Israel: Labour, Land and Occupation (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
فلسطين في السينما
Palestine in the Cinema (DVD included – in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 67% OFF
قناة البحرين المتوسط والميت: المشروع الإسرائيلي وأخطاره
The Mediterranean-Dead Sea Canal: The Israeli Project and Its Dangers (in Arabic)
$14.95Original price was: $14.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 57% OFF
الخط الحديدي الحجازي: تاريخ وتطور قطار درعا-حيفا
The Hijazi Railroad: History of the Dar’a-Haifa Line
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$14.95Current price is: $14.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
الطبقة الوسطى الفلسطينية: بحث في فوضى الهوية والمرجعية والثقافة
The Palestinian Middle Class: A Research into the Confusion of Identity, Authority and Culture (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 33% OFF
تاريخ فلسطين في طوابع البريد – مجموعة نادر خيري الدين أبو الجبين
Palestinian History in Postage Stamps
$150.00Original price was: $150.00.$100.00Current price is: $100.00. -
On Sale 59% OFF
كي لا ننسى: قرى فلسطين التي دمرتها إسرائيل سنة 1948 وأسماء شهدائها
All That Remains: The Palestinian Villages Occupied and Depopulated by Israel in 1948 (Out of Print – Hardcover Edition, in Arabic)
$85.00Original price was: $85.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00. -
On Sale 72% OFF
فلسطين في العهدين الأيوبي والمملوكي 1187-1516
Palestine in the Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras (1187-1516) – in Arabic
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 75% OFF
نكبة 1948 – أسبابها وسبل علاجها
The Nakba of 1948: Causes and Solutions
$19.95Original price was: $19.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 60% OFF
أمكنة صغيرة وقضايا كبيرة – ثلاثة أحياء فلسطينية في زمن الإحتلال
Small Places and Big Issues: Three Palestinian Neighbourhood Under Occupation
$24.95Original price was: $24.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
أوراق عائلية – دراسات في التاريخ الإجتماعي المعاصر لفلسطين
Family Papers: Studies in Contemporary Social History of Palestine (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 80% OFF
الصراع العربي الاسرائلي في ضوء المتغيرات العربية الاقليمية – ٢٠١٣
The Israeli Palestinian Conflict in the Light of Regional Changes (2013 – in Arabic)
$24.95Original price was: $24.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 83% OFF
المفاوضات المتعددة الأطراف لعملية السلام: بدايات ملتبسة ونهايات مؤجلة
The Multilateral Negotiations of the Peace Process: Uncertain Beginnings and Deferred Outcome
$29.95Original price was: $29.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
عبد الرزاق اليحيى بين العسكرية والسياسة – ذكريات
Abdul Razzaq Al-Yahya Between Militarism and Politics (Memoires) – (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
The Complete Palestinian Version of the Negotiations: From Oslo to the Road Map. 2. The Camp David Negotiations (Taba and Stockholm), 1995-2000
The Complete Palestinian Version of the Negotiations: From Oslo to the Road Map. 2. The Camp David Negotiations (Taba and Stockholm), 1995-2000 (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95.