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On Sale 72% OFF
أحوال النصارى في خلافة بني العبّاس
The Life of the Christian Communities during the Reign of the Abbasids (in Arabic)
$45.00Original price was: $45.00.$12.50Current price is: $12.50. -
On Sale 75% OFF
أدب اللغة الارامية تأليف الأب البير أبونا
The Aramaic Literature by Father Albert Abouna (in Arabic)
$49.95Original price was: $49.95.$12.50Current price is: $12.50. -
On Sale 58% OFF
غرائب اللغة العربية: نصوص ودروس
Peculiar and Odd Things in the Arab Language, Text and Analysis (in Arabic)
$29.95Original price was: $29.95.$12.50Current price is: $12.50. -
On Sale 50% OFF
مبادئ العربيّة في الصرف والنحو لثالث : للسنة الثالثة المتوسّطة أو الصفّ الرابع
Principles of Arabic Conjugation and Grammar (Level3) – By Prof. Rachid Chartouni
$24.95Original price was: $24.95.$12.50Current price is: $12.50. -
On Sale 67% OFF
كتاب المخطوطات العربية لكتبة النصرانية الأب لويس شيخو
Arabic Manuscripts by Arab Christian Writers – Jesuit Father Louis Sheikho (in Arabic)
$45.00Original price was: $45.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
On Sale 60% OFF
النصرانية و أدباؤها بين عرب الجاهلية
Christianity and its Literature Amongst the Jahiliya Arabs (in Arabic)
$49.95Original price was: $49.95.$19.95Current price is: $19.95. -
On Sale 58% OFF
المسيحية عبر تاريخها في المشرق – مجلس كنائس الشرق الأوسط
Christianity Across the History of the Orient (in Arabic)
$60.00Original price was: $60.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00. -
On Sale 60% OFF
The Minor Qur’an Commentary of Abu Abd ar-Rahman Muhammad b. al-Husayn as-Sulami
زيادات حقائق التفسير لأبي عبد الرحمن محمد بن الحسين السلمي
$75.00Original price was: $75.00.$29.95Current price is: $29.95. -
On Sale 50% OFF
دير القمر عاصمة لبنان القديم
Deir el Qamar Lebanon’s Old Capital City (in Arabic)
$60.00Original price was: $60.00.$29.95Current price is: $29.95. -
On Sale 53% OFF
A Study on Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi and His Controversies in Transoxiana – Fathalla Kholeif
$75.00Original price was: $75.00.$35.00Current price is: $35.00. -
On Sale 67% OFF
كتاب اللمعة الشهية في نحو اللغة السريانية على كلا مذهبي الغربيين والشرقيين
A Concise Study in the Syriac Language (in Arabic)
$45.00Original price was: $45.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00. -
On Sale 57% OFF
رد على التوراة رد على اليهودية واليهودية المسيحية
A Riposte to the Interpretation of the Torah as used by Jewish and Christian Zionists in Political Arguments (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00.