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Showing 141–153 of 153 results
On Sale 57% OFF
The Golan: The Road to Occupation – Muhammad Muslih
$17.50Original price was: $17.50.$7.50Current price is: $7.50. -
On Sale 57% OFF
The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development (Expanded Third Edition)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$14.95Current price is: $14.95. -
On Sale 54% OFF
الثورة العربية الكبرى في فلسطين 1936 – 1939: الرواية الإسرائيلية الرسمية
The Great Arab Revolt in Palestine 1936-1939: An Official Israeli Account (in Arabic)
$60.00Original price was: $60.00.$27.50Current price is: $27.50. -
On Sale 72% OFF
دراسات في التاريخ الاجتماعي لبلاد الشام: قراءات في السير و السير الذاتية
Studies in the Social History of the Arab East (Bilad al-Sham): Biographies and Autobiographies (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
جهاد فلسطين العربية: أول كتاب بالعربية عن فترة الانتداب البريطاني وبداية الثورة الكبرى سنة 1936
The War For Arab Palestine: The First Arabic Book on the British Mandate Period and the Beginning of the 1936 Great Revolt (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 72% OFF
إسرائيل الكبرى والفلسطينيون: سياسة التوسع 1967 ـ 2000
Greater Israel and the Palestinians: the Politics of Expansion, 1967-2000 (in Arabic)
$35.00Original price was: $35.00.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 80% OFF
العروبة وفلسطين: حوار شامل مع قسطنطين زريق
Arab Nationalism and Palestine: an Interview with Constantine Zurayk (in Arabic)
$4.95Original price was: $4.95.$1.00Current price is: $1.00. -
On Sale 60% OFF
الكتاب السنوي للقضية الفلسطينية لعام ١٩٦٧
The Palestine Yearbook 1967 (in Arabic)
$49.95Original price was: $49.95.$19.95Current price is: $19.95. -
On Sale 57% OFF
الحرب الإسرائيلية في لبنان، الاحتلال والمواجهة ـ 1983: من صعود المقاومة إلى إلغاء اتفاق أيار
Israel’s War in Lebanon, Occupation and Confrontation-1983: From the Emergence of National Resistance to the Abrogation of the May 17 Agreement 1984 (in Arabic)
$17.50Original price was: $17.50.$7.50Current price is: $7.50. -
On Sale 67% OFF
Who Knows Better, Must Say so
$14.95Original price was: $14.95.$4.95Current price is: $4.95. -
On Sale 50% OFF
Antes de su Diaspora – Una Historia de Los Palestinos A Traves de la Fotographia 1876 – 1948
Before Their Diaspora is a visual journey into Palestine before 1948 (in Spanish)
$45.00Original price was: $45.00.$22.50Current price is: $22.50. -
On Sale 67% OFF
Zionism, Israel and Asian Nationalism – Godfrey H. Jansen
$29.95Original price was: $29.95.$9.95Current price is: $9.95. -
On Sale 70% OFF
دير ياسين: الجمعة 9/4/1948
Dayr Yasin : 9 April 1948 (in Arabic)
$24.95Original price was: $24.95.$7.50Current price is: $7.50.