La Main d’Allah

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La Main d'Allah

d' Eveline Bustros

La mort d'Ali – gendre do Prophète – livra le trône à Moawia – de la famille d'Ommeyya – et lui soumit apparemment l'Iraq. Elle lui permit de réaliser son ambition suprême : L'institution du califat héréditaire. La main d'Allah n'est qu'un épisode de la trame ourdie par ce monarque avec la complicité du destin – pour l'établissement de sa dynastie en faveur de son fils Yazid. The death of Ali – The son in-law of the Prophet Mohamed eventually led to Moawia from the Ommeyya family to take over and be in charge of Iraq. This change of leadership led Moawia to institute a heridetary system for the caliphate.

La main d'Allah in only a chapter in what is otherwise a web of events that took place at the start of this dynastyis, and led to the succession of his son Yazid.

Language(s): French
ISBN 284289085X
1998, Soft Cover, 168 Pages, 11 x 16.5 cm or 4.5" x 6.5"

The Author:

Born in Beirut in 1878, Evelyne Bustros leaves for Egypt and then France before coming back to her native country in the 1930's. She is the author of two novels, "La main d'Allah" (1926) and "Sous la baguette du coudrier" (1958). She has also published a political essay, "Fredons" (1929).

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