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Shi’i Trends and Dynamics in Modern Times (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)

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Courants et dynamiques chiites à l’époque moderne (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)

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Shi'i Trends and Dynamics in Modern Times (XVIIIth-XXth centuries)

Courants et dynamiques chiites à l'époque moderne (XVIIIe-XXe siècles)

by Denis Hermann (Author, Editor)
by Sabrina Mervin (Editor)

This volume comprises a collection of papers from various contributors ranging from historians to religious scholars and is separated into three parts. Part one focuses on philosophy and mysticism, the second on Shi’i jurisprudence and part three on doctrinal debates and political theories. The result of this collection is an overview of events and trends across the broader  Shi’i worlds throughout the last three centuries and hereby adds to our understanding of the life of its community and its scholarly activities, especially in the time span between 1722 up to the rise of the Qajars. The book’s value especially lies in the fact that it emphasizes the diversity of areas of  Shi’i thought and hereby reminds us of its complexity and broad extent.

Denis Hermann is a historian researching in the fields of intellectual and social Iranian history and currently works at the CNRS ‘Mondes Iranien et Indien’. Sabrina Mervin is a Senior Researcher at the French national Centre for Scientific Research and is specialized in Islamic Studies and Shi’i theology.

Language: English / French
ISBN: 9783899138085
2010, paperback, 180 pages, 9.5 x 6.5 inches

Publisher : Beiruter Texte und Studien
Book Conditino : New

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Weight 2 lbs



English & French

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